Friday, May 29, 2015

Last Day of First Grade!

Today is Olivia's last day of First Grade!  I can't believe how fast this year has flown by!

We started our day with seeing what the Tooth Fairy left. Mrs. Tooth Fairy was going to leave $0.25, but Mr. Tooth Fairy overrode her decision claiming "inflation". 
Hannah slept until it was time to leave. 
Our big girl ready to leave for school. 
"Mom, I'm ready to go. Can we go?"
"I did it!  I'm a Second Grader!  WooHoo!!"
Olivia before leaving Mrs. Brown for the summer. She is a phenomenal teacher and we will miss her terribly. 
And here's her class giving her a big group hug "good bye". 
Next stop, Second Grade!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Olivia's Dance Recital 2015

Olivia had her dance recital on Saturday.  She had been practicing a lot and working really hard - so much so that two days before she sprained her right pinkie while working on her back shoulder rolls.  Here we are at the doctor getting her pinkie checked over.  They did an x-ray to make sure it wasn't broken.  

Here are Olivia and Hannah sword fighting with tongue depressors.

 "You killed my father.  Prepare to die."
 All ready for the dress rehearsal.
 Recital time!!
Olivia being silly.
 Doing her best "Blue Steel" 
She wanted a picture with her teacher, Miss Amanda.
 Waiting for the recital to begin.

Here is the Lyrical routine! Olivia is the third from the left in both videos.

Here is the Jazz routine! Hopefully, you can see the video.  I'm having issues with copyright laws.
Playing around while waiting for the kids to be released.

Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Coordinating cuties

Olivia likes to coordinate with Hannah and I really cracked myself up with their shirts today. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bee City

After starting the day with fresh donuts from the Summerville Farmer's Market, we went to Bee City. They have bees, honey and tons of honey-related products.  That's great and all, but my kids only care about petting zoos.  They give you food for the birds, monkeys and livestock type animals.

We started off with feeding the brown lemurs.  They are super cute and their little hands are adorable.

 "Tina, you fat lard.  Come get some dinner!"  
The girls both thought the llamas were cute.

 Chris was checking out some bulls.  Little ones.
 This goose was honking like crazy and Hannah chased it around honking back...she was actually more screaming at the goose, but still cute.
 Hannah really wanted to get in the pen with the turtles.
 Me and the girls
 I'm married to a Disney princess.
 Olivia looks a little alarmed.
 Now she looks terrified.
 Not sure about this....
 Ok, now she's into it.
 Hannah thought this little bird was cool. 
 Then this little guy (or girl) came and kept nibbling on Chris's ear.

 Hannah is deciding which bird she likes best.
 Yes.  This one.  I will eat this one.
 Let me grab it for you.

 Fine.  I won't eat the birds.  They're full of little bones anyway.
 They had a huge frog.  HUUUUGEE!
 Baby alligator.
 The handler even made it smile for the picture.

 "Tarantulas aren't scary.  They get a bad wrap.  Would you like to hold it?
 We'll just start with one leg....Now two...Now three...
 See...not scary at all."

 I decided to give it a try.  Time to conquer that pesky arachnophobia. Olivia is waiting for me to faint.
 Ok.  You can have this back now.  I can say that tarantulas aren't a completely controlled environment. 
 Chris held Charlotte too.  Yes, that's actually her name.
 Hannah isn't having anything to do with it.
 Then the handler showed us an emperor scorpion.  They are luminescent under UV light.  How cool is that?

 We'll end with a super cute picture of Hannah at the turtle playground.
 So much fun!!  I highly recommend it if you're in the area.