Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tooth Fairy Time!!

Olivia had her bi-yearly dentist appointment yesterday.  She has had a tooth ready to fall out for some time and I KNEW the dentist wouldn't let her leave with it still dangling.

She's waiting to be called back. 
 After the looked her over, they put a numbing gel on her gums.
 The tooth is out!!!
 They gave her a little case to hold the tooth.
 Here is her treasure.
 It's so little!!!
 Here's a sign in the parking lot that cracks me up.  It says " Dentist parking only.  All violators will be extracted".
 Her new smile!

 Holding her little tooth.
 She wrote a note for the Tooth Fairy and has her tooth box in her little tooth bag.
 Her sign is hung so the Tooth Fairy knows where to stop. 

 Super giddy!
 Daddy, Olivia and Hannah (and me photobombing in the mirror).
 Putting the tooth under the pillow.
 The Tooth Fairy came!!!  She woke up at 1:00 am to tell me...
 There's Wing Dust (that's what Olivia called it) on the dollar.
 Her loot.

 I can't the Wing Dust to show up.  Oh well.
 Off to school with her new smile!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Olivia's Horse lessons - Weeks 3 and 4

Weeks 3 and 4, Olivia rode on Amber.  Olivia really likes Amber.  She feels confident on her and more in control.  On Week 2, Kodi kept dropping his head to drink from puddles and he almost pulled Olivia right off.  It shook her confidence a bit, but she doing great now!!

Week 3

Week 4