Monday, August 17, 2015

First Days of School Each Year

First Grade
Second Grade
First Grade
Second Grade

First Day of Second Grade!

Our baby girl started 2nd grade today....2nd grade!!!!! How did this happen?

Anyway, here she is first thing. Not so bright-eyed but a little bushy-tailed. 
All ready to go and Hannah wanted in the picture...sort of. 
Ok, just the big school girl now. 
Here she is at her desk!
I was fine when I dropped her off, but when I got home to the (much quieter) house, something got in my eyes and they kept watering. 

Is it 2:15 yet?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Charles Towne Landing

Yesterday we went to Charles Towne Landing. It's very pretty and there's lots of history but it was a smidge too hot for us to fully enjoy it. We will definitely have to go back again when it's not so sweltering hot.